Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 5, 2014

The power of passion - Richard St. John

Bill was such an underachieves, his parents actually sent him to counselling. Yeah, I can just hear the neighbours back then saying, "Jeez, that Gates kid. What a loser. He's never gonna go anywhere". And he didn't, until he discovered his passion for sorfware. 

The big problem is finding your passion. Sure, there's the kid that knows they wanna be an accountant or an architect or an astronauts form the time they were 10. But I found a much bigger group of successful people who, when they were young, and even when they were older, didn't have a clue what their passion was, and it took them a long time to find it, or to fall into it. 

Dawn Lepore, Chief Information Officer at Charles Schwab, said to me, "I fell into what I do, and I didn't know I loved it until I fell into it". And I hear that a lot. 

So, how do people find their passion? Well, they just get out there and try a lot of stuff and explore many paths. Robert Munsch explored many paths. He said to me: "I studied to be a priest and that turned out to be a disaster. I tried working on a farm. They didn't like me. I worked on a boat. It sank. I tried a lot of things that didn't work. But I kept trying, and then I tried something that did work." And I'd say it worked; as a children's author, he's sold over 40 million books. 

Yes, finding a job we love is like finding a person we love. Sometimes we've just got to go on a lot of really bad dates before we find the right one. 

Now, I read a survey 18- to 25 year-olds, and 81% said their fist or second life goal was to get rich. And I thought, boys, they've got it all wrong. Because I've interviewed many millionaires and billionaires, and guess how many of them said their life goal is to get rich? Zero! They didn't do it for money, they did it for love. They went for the zing, not the "ka-ching" "ka-ching". When Bill Gates and Paul Allen  started Microsoft, they didn't do it for money. Bill says, "Paul and I never thought we would make much money. We just loved writing software." And with that attitude, he became the richest man in the world. J. K. Rowling didn't write Harry Potter books for money. She said, "I love writing these books. I just wanted to make enough money to continue to write. And with that attitude, she became a billionaire. 

I became a millionaire by following my heart, not my wallet, and a number of times I walked away from great-paying jobs to do poor-paying jobs I loved better. Once was when I had a great job, travelling the world, making a lot of money, but I wasn't doing the one thing I loved at the time, which was photography. So I said, I think I'll leave and start my own little photo company. 

My heart said, Yeah! Go for it!. My wallet, and all my friends, I might add, said, Are you crazy? You can't walk away from all the money! You'll starve. I didn't listen to them, I walked away, and yeah, at first, there wasn't much money, but it didn't master, because I was having fun doing what I loved. And eventually, the money came, and much more than if I'd stayed in my old job. 

So I learned it's true, what they say: If you do what you love, money comes anyway. So I'd say if you really want to get rich, put money at the bottom of your goals list and passon at the top. And why does it work that way? Because if you love what you do, you automatically do the other 7 things that lead to success and wealth. You'll work hard, you'll push yourself, you'll persist. And what if you're in a job you don't love? Well, just follow your passion on the side. Remember, Albert Einstein was a patent clerk. That was his job, but his passion was physics, and he wrote 4 of his most important papers in spare time as a hobby, and became one of the world's greatest scientists. So it's amazing what you can do if you love what you do. 

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